Laura connects CEO’s, entrepreneurs and start-ups with business growth opportunities.
Building meaningful opportunities and relationships for you and your business.
Decades of experience advising CEO’s, entrepreneurs and start-ups.
Cross industry insight and expertise, able to understand complex issues.
Focused on opportunities that generate revenue.

Laura Nix Gerson
is a CONNECTOR. She has a knack for seeing the opportunities in specific introductions and is known for creating strategic partnerships that garner results.
For more than twenty years she has advised start-ups, entrepreneurs and businesses on growth strategy. Laura’s ability to assess opportunities in a variety of industries and company stages, make her a key assest to the founders and CEO’s who have looked to her for strategic guidance.
An advisor to female founders and fund managers she is actively engaged in the venture ecosystem and is focused on helping more women achieve financial success through her newsletter and podcast Venture F.
As a producer, Laura gets to the heart of storytelling with mission-driven content, expert speakers and unique experiences.
“Laura is the most masterful networker I know. She is my go-to advisor when it comes to strategic growth and introductions. She also has a unique understanding of start-ups and the challenges founders face.”
-Aimee Helfand, Founder & CEO, Famileague
“Laura has been an instrumental partner and advisor for many years, helping us develop the vision for our annual SoCal Wellness event. She is a talented producer with the unique ability to attract and book top-tier speakers, craft meaningful conversations and oversee the video production and digital capture of our events.”
-Tracy Fredkin, Founder & CEO, Fun Family Brands
“Laura has been a tremendous asset, providing insight and making strategic introductions that led to cross-marketing programs that helped grow my business. She has a keen insight and has become not just an advisor but a friend.”
-Sarah Fotis, Founder & CEO, Collective Laboratories